Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology

About the Journal

The Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology (ISSN 2318-1265) is an open-access and international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. The Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology (JABB) is currently published by Malque Publishing. Articles are published under the Creative Commons license.

JABB accepts the following types of articles: Research Articles, Short Communications, Literature Reviews and Mini-Reviews. Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English, which are published quarterly.

JABB publishes articles from three areas that have gained high relevance in the last decades and in the current and future scenarios: ANIMAL BIOMETEOROLOGYANIMAL BEHAVIOUR and ANIMAL WELFARE.

Below is described the Scope of each of these areas separately:


Aims and Scope


JABB publishes articles that advance our knowledge on the ways and mechanisms through which environment (temperature, humidity, wind and air, radiation, and their interactions) affects animals. This includes studies of their responses to these effects.

Our journal accepts submissions that also consider climatic and meteorological conditions, in natural and artificial environments, and related to climate changes on any animal species (vertebrates and invertebrates).

• Studies that involve, but are not limited, the effect of thermal stress (cold and heat) on Reproduction, Development and Growth, Productive Performance (quantitative and qualitative), health, behaviour, and welfare

• The mechanisms of thermal limitation, heat and cold injury, and the resistance of organisms to extremes of temperature

• The mechanisms involved in acclimation, acclimatization and evolutionary adaptation to temperature

• Studies on modeling heat transfer between animals and their environment

• The contributions of temperature to the effects of climate change on animal species

• Behavioural and physiological regulation of body temperature including its pathophysiology

• Ambience in animal facilities

• Animal Ecophysiology

Other subjects covered in our journal are:

• Seasonal variations of any animal response, when associated with any environmental variable

• Water-soil-air-animal interaction

• Emission of gases from animals

• Effect of pollution (atmospheric, water, soil, noise, visual, thermal, luminous and radioactive) on animals, or caused by animals


JABB publishes relevant information on the behaviour of domestic and wild animals, as well as invertebrates of all species (terrestrial or aquatics).

The research areas include: behavioural ecology, evolution of behaviour, sociobiology, ethology, behavioural psychology, behavioural physiology and sensory behaviour.

The journal deals with the following animal subjects:

• Behaviour of farm, zoo and laboratory animals in relation to animal management and welfare

• The principal subjects are farm (mammals, poultry, fish), companion and laboratory animals and invertebrates (bees and other insects, crustaceous)

• Behaviour of companion animals in relation to behavioural problems

• Studies of the behaviour of wild animals when these studies are relevant from an applied perspective (wildlife management, pest management or nature conservation

• Behavioural Ecology


JABB publishes articles on husbandry, experimentation, and care that demonstrably enhance animal welfare in various settings.

Research areas include Welfare issues arising in:

• Farm animals

• Laboratory animals

• Companion animal

• Wildlife/zoo settings



Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology is covered by the following databases:

J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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