Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

Ambience in the transport of horses and the effects on stress responses

Aérica Cirqueira Nazareno, Iran José Oliveira da Silva, Danielle Priscila Bueno Fernandes

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The equine transport is compromised by a number of concurrent factors, which explains the high rate of production loss in this stage, diseases attributed to, loss of body weight and death. These losses can be prevented by means of an appropriate ambience management, which reduces stress and improves the well-being of the animal. The aim of this review was to provide practical outcomes about ambience in the transport of horses and the stress influences. The knowledge of ambience and stressors that operate in transportation of horses assist the producer and/or handler on the suitability of correct management and reducing economic losses in the horse breeding sector, ensuring thermal comfort and improved animal welfare.


physiological imbalance, horse breeding, physical quantities, pathology, types of vehicles


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