Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

Interaction of genotype-environment Nellore cattle using models of reaction

Wéverton José Lima Fonseca, Wéverson Lima Fonseca, Carlos Syllas Monteiro Luz, Gioto Ghiarone Terto e Sousa, Marcelo Richelly Alves de Oliveira, Karen Jamile Viana de Sousa, Mardoqueu Bruno Guimarães Costa, Augusto Matias de Oliveira, Severino Cavalcante de Sousa Júnior

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The aim with this review was to approach the importance of the genotype-environment interaction of Nelore cattle by using reaction norms models. The beef cattle’s ranching has stood out as one of the main activities of the Brazilian agribusiness, inclusive in the international setting. One way to assess the genotype-environment interaction for various traits in beef cattle is the use of reaction norm models. The genotype’s reaction norm is the systematic change in average phenotypic expression in response to a change in the environmental variable, and describes the phenotype of an animal as an environmental continuous function and expresses the phenotype as polynomial function of the environmental value, wherein they are assumed to be under genetic influence. Thus, the reaction norm describes characteristics which gradually and continuously change on an environmental gradient, can thus be used to study the genotype-environment interaction.


thermal comfort, nutrition, grazing time


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