Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

Effect of rearing system and season on behaviour, productive performance and carcass quality of rabbit: A review

Karim El-Sabrout

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Nowadays, researchers and even consumers need more information on the effect of different rearing systems and seasons not only on the animal behaviour and production but also on carcass quality. Understanding more about how the rearing system and season can influence behaviour, production and carcass traits of rabbit is extremely important. This current review proposes best investigation to cover these points. In many countries like in Spain, Italy and Egypt, rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) plays an important role in meat production. Rabbit rearing systems as a part of animal welfare have been the focus of scientific research in order to improve well-being for high-quality products. Rabbits have specific behavioural needs and are able to change their behaviour to adapt the changes happened in the surrounding environment. Among these changes, it was the season’s variables: high ambient temperature, humidity and ventilation that can affect the animal performance.


behaviour, carcass quality, production, rabbit, rearing system, season


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