Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Implementation of a project for the organic agriculture experience in rural schools: climate studies, vegetable gardens, and free-range poultry production

Adriana Maria dos Santos, Marina Paiva Baracuhy, Dermeval Araújo Furtado, Fabiana Terezinha Leal de Morais, Adriano da Silva Félix

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The aim of this study was the implementation of school vegetable gardens using recyclable materials, as a methodological tool and interdisciplinary practices related to family agriculture. A descriptive methodology and field study was used. The community's wishes on the school were diagnosed, and recyclable materials that could be inappropriately discarded in the environment were used. For better representation was used AutoCAD software. Through this study, it was possible to plan two types of vegetable gardens (nursery bed and mandala style). The nursery bed will be produced greens and vegetables and, for the mandala type a study was developed for the adequacy of vegetable and animal production with the use of equipment: a pet bottle greenhouse for the seedlings production, and a mobile chicken coop (animal husbandry) on the vacant ground for the ground preparation, and a earthworm, which will be used as composting in deterioration process of organic matter from and transforming this waste into fertilizer for the flowerbed. The crops used will be greens and vegetables for school feeding and production of fruit tree seedlings, which will be destined to the community.  Will still have instruments for meteorological studies (pluviometer and, dry bulb and wet bulb thermometer). The activities carried out in the vegetable garden contribute to the modification of students' habits and attitudes about their perception of nature, the awareness formation of respect and care, the need to conserve the environment and stimulate the quest for improving the life quality and, in others ways to see the activities carried out by their own parents in the field.


agroecology, food production, sustainability, waste


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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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