Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Animal and workers' welfare during agricultural fair

Cinara da Cunha Siqueira Carvalho, Maria Dulcinéia da Costa, Maria Cecília Magalhães Gonçalves, Thamara Amaral Diniz, Geruza Cardoso da Silva, Heberth Christian Ferreira, Kátia Cristiane Borges Pereira, Anna Luísa de Oliveira Castro, Laize Vieira Santos

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The animal welfare concept in the last years began to be implanted in the animal production scenario and in the environment where the workers are inserted. But, the animal breeders themselves know little about rational handling, the labor laws, and the positive effects that this practice can offer. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the physiological parameters and the welfare conditions of the animals and the workers, during an agricultural fair in the Brazilian semi-arid. Questionnaires were applied to visitors, caretakers, and farmers, in order to verify the perception level regarding the adoption of rational handling and, animal and workers’ welfare. Subsequently, the handling and thermal environment were evaluated. The following physiological variables were collected: rectal and body surface temperature and, respiratory rate during shipment and landing of the beef cattle belonging to the elite category at the fair. Questionnaires data showed that the theme welfare and rational handling is known among visitors, caretakers and farmers, and that the practice is less stressful to animals. The physiological variables were within the recommended standards, indicating the animal thermoregulation and animal adaptation to the shipment, transport and landing. However, the handling adopted by the workers is still result on cultural issues, lack of information and awareness about the benefits of rational handling.


ambience, thermal comfort, agricultural fair


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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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