Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Morphological description and functions of feathers to support Otus angelinae activities

Tyas Rini Saraswati, Enny Yuniwarti, Silvana Tana

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Otus angelinae is an owl that known for their silent flight, capable of flying just inches from their prey without being detected. The quietness of their flight is owed to their special feathers. This study aimed to describe the morphology and function of feathers of Otus angelinae. Two Otus angelinae aged 4 months taken from the wild forest of East Java.  Owl were sedated with chloroform, dissected, and then observed to know the morphological of feathers that coat its body. The results showed that each part of the body of an owl composed of different morphology and size of feathers to support the activity of flying.


owl, silent flight, wild animal


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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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