Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Behavior and swimming performance of local fish in the ecosystem waters of rivers, oxbow and peat swamps

Nofrizal, Rommie Jhonnerie, Alit Hindri Yani, Bustari, Riska Fatmawati, Ramses

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The four fish species, Trichogaster pectoralis, Barbodes schwanenfeldii, Osphronemus gouramy, and Wallago leeri have the same body size, representing different habitats. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the four species swimming abilities and speeds, including sustained, maximum sustained, prolonged swimming speed, and burst speed. The four species were brought using oxygenated plastic bags to the Aquatic Resources Utilization Laboratory at Riau University. Then it was acclimated in an aquarium measuring 100×50×50 cm with an aeration and filtering system to maintain water quality. The four groups of species were forced to swim in the swimming channel of the flume tank, with different current speeds for each individual tested. The swimming activity of the fish was recorded using a high-speed video camera (Casio HS Exlim, EX-ZR400, Casio Computer Co. LTD, Japan). The results showed that the swimming speed of B. schwanenfeldii was higher than O. gouramy, T. pectoralis, and W. leeri. The maximum sustained swimming speed of B. schwanenfeldii is about 5.1 BL/s, and 14.2 BL/s for the burst speed. Meanwhile, the sustained swimming speed of O. gouramy (1.6 BL/s) and the burst speed is 7.2 BL/s. The maximum sustained swimming speed of T. pectoralis was 1.6 BL/s, and the burst speed was 5.7 BL/s. In addition, the maximum sustained swimming speed of W. leeri is only 0.5 BL/s and 2.4 BL/s for the burst speed. The ability of these four fish to swim was influenced by the morphology of the tail fin, body shape, and the habitat where they live.


Barbodes schwanenfeldii, Osphronemus gourami, swimming endurance, Trichogaster pectoralis, Wallago leeri


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