Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Water pollution of the Oued D'Hous River (Algeria) and its potential impact on fauna and flora

Samai Ibtissem, Nebbache Saloua, Aounallah Ouafia, Ramdani Hanene, Meghlaoui Zoubeida

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Water is a crucial player in all aspects of our lives, playing a major role in the economy of countries and food security, not to mention production and politics. It also has a special significance for sustainable development. Surface water pollution includes pollution of rivers, lakes, and oceans. A subset of surface water pollution is marine pollution. 80% of the world's population would be concerned by degraded freshwater resources, as in the case of our research, which consists of the study of the hydrochemical pollution of Oued D'Hous located in the Wilaya of Bouira (Algeria), and which receives domestic, industrial and even agricultural wastewater. The evaluation of the physicochemical parameters shows the increase of the existing pollutants rates in this river, with a degree of toxicity that makes this Oued significantly polluted and loaded by dangerous effluents, which can kill the fauna and the flora of this environment and prevents their use by the human beings in all the fields. We wish to find an immediate solution to this severe situation, and we ask the competent authorities to put an end and a limit to the various discharges in this wadi before the risk of contamination of the water of the wells located in its surroundings is affected, and the health of the public is threatened.


contamination, effluents, environment, pollutants, toxicity


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