Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Litter quality of broiler fed with to different levels of sulfur amino acid

Genilson Bezerra de Carvalho, Lindolfo Dorcino dos Santos Neto, Julyana Machado da Silva Martins, Nikoly Maria Pereira, Michelly Barbosa Falleiros, Emmanuel Arnhold, Marcos Barcellos Café

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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of sulfur amino acid (methionine+cystine) supplementation included in the diet of broiler chickens raised under Brazilian commercial conditions on the concentration of ammonia gas, moisture, pH, temperature, and nitrogen excretion in litter on the 14th, 28th, and 42nd day of breeding. A total of 900 male chicks of the Cobb500 line were used, distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments, with six replicates of 30 birds. A basal diet (without methionine) was formulated and was supplemented with DL-methionine (0.072, 0.168, 0.239, 0.311% and 0.058, 0.134, 0.192, 0.250% for days 1 to 21 and days 22 to 42 of breeding respectively) replacing the corn starch in order to achieve the desirable digestible methionine + cysteine levels (0.545 (basal diet), 0.616, 0.711, 0.782 and 0.853%) and (0.514 (basal diet); 0.571; 0.647; 0.704 and 0.761% and digestible methionine + cysteine for the phase 1 to 21 and 22 to 42 days of breeding, respectively. There was no significant effect on the temperature and concentration of ammonia gas in any of the phases evaluated. Met+cys supplementation influenced moisture and pH of litter in all the evaluated phases. For nitrogen, a significant effect was observed at 14 days, not exhibiting effects during the other phases, suggesting that nitrogen excretion increases with increasing levels of met+cys in the diet for up to 14 days.


crystalline amino acid, poultry, litter, methionine + cystine


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