Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology


Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018 (January)

6(1), 2018 (January)
Gently handled foals generalize responses to humans Anita Schmidek, Bruno Nogueira de Oliveira, Pedro Trindade, Mateus José Rodrigues Paranhos da Costa Research ArticleOpen Access
Litter quality of broiler fed with to different levels of sulfur amino acid Genilson Bezerra de Carvalho, Lindolfo Dorcino dos Santos Neto, Julyana Machado da Silva Martins, Nikoly Maria Pereira, Michelly Barbosa Falleiros, Emmanuel Arnhold, Marcos Barcellos Café Research ArticleOpen Access
Geoclimatic evaluation of the Northeast Region of Brazil and its suitability for breeding beef cattle Caio Victor Damasceno Carvalho, Eva Clícia Almeida, Luis Fernando Batista Pinto, Thereza Cristina Calmon Bittencourt, Raphael Bermal Costa Research ArticleOpen Access
Does the blindness affect the behavioural activities of rabbit? Karim El-Sabrout Short CommunicationOpen Access
Field observations of the behavior of mangrove climbing sesarmid crabs in Anibong Bay, Tacloban City, Philippines Bryan Joseph Matillano, Angel Melody Legera, Christine Grace Bautista Short CommunicationOpen Access

J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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